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Sibley Law Firm

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About Sibley Law Firm

Sibley Law Firm

Location & Directions for Sibley Law Firm

801 Washington Avenue Suite 300, Waco, TX 76701
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Services Sibley Law Firm Offers

Divorce: including contested divorce, uncontested divorce, divorce mediation and divorce settlements as well as divorces involving children and significant estates.

Child custody and visitation: including joint custody and sole custody issues as well as move-aways.

Child support and enforcement: including explaining the Texas Child Support Guidelines and the enforcement of visitation and child support orders.

Property division: including the distribution of marital assets and debts, such as property-division-classification issues and property-division-valuation issues.

Prenuptial agreements: including drafting, reviewing and litigating matters involving prenuptial agreements.

Domestic violence: including criminal and family law representation regarding restraining orders and allegations of domestic violence and abuse.

Name changes: typically done in conjunction with a divorce.

Post-divorce modifications: including child custody modification, visitation-schedule modification and child support modification or termination.

Drug charges: ranging from possession to dealing or manufacturing.

Drunk-driving (Texas DUI / DWI): including possession of alcohol by a minor and negligent homicide from killing someone while driving under the influence of alcohol.

Theft crimes: including burglary, larceny, shoplifting, embezzlement, fraud and bad checks.

Violent crimes: including assault, battery, assault with deadly weapon, manslaughter, murder, weapons charges, capital murder and domestic violence.

White-collar crimes: including embezzlement, check fraud, mail fraud and computer fraud.

Traffic violations: including reckless driving or reckless endangerment, speeding, and running a red light or stop sign.

Juvenile crimes: including shoplifting, drug charges, street fighting or bar fighting, assault.

Car accidents: including all types of injuries (from whiplash and soft-tissue injury to traumatic brain injury and wrongful death) from head-on, rear-end and side-impact collisions.

Trucking accidents (tractor-trailer, big-rig, semi-truck and 18-wheeler accidents), including injury claims for amputations and paralysis (such as quadriplegia and paraplegia) and wrongful death claims for trucking accident fatalities.

Premises liability claims: including slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall injuries, dog bite claims (especially children attacked or bitten), and claims or fatalities from inadequate security.

Construction accidents: including falls from great heights (such as a scaffold), construction vehicle accidents, construction equipment accidents and impacts from falling objects.

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