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Sensory Taekwon-Do

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About Sensory Taekwon-Do

Dr. Kerry Escamilla, D.C

2nd Degree Black Belt

Dr. Kerry is the Director and Innovator of Sensory Taekwon-Do. He has advanced training in neurology and functional medicine with emphasis on early childhood spectrum disorders. Conducting years of brain research and biomedical interventions, Dr. Kerry has treated many children on the spectrum. His whole brain/whole body approach to treatment has its roots in his marital arts background.

As a 2nd degree black belt, Dr. Kerry knows the benefits martial arts have for children on the spectrum. It has shown to improve concentration and focus by providing a consistent and highly structured environment.

The program has now evolved to include sensory integration therapies and nutritional interventions thus making it a truly whole body- whole brain approach to treatment.

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Services Sensory Taekwon-Do Offers

We proudly offer the following services:

Martial Arts Classes for Children on the Autism Spectrum,
Special Physical Training Classes for Children with Sensory Disorders,
Attention for Unique Case Children on the Autism Spectrum,
Adult Taekwon-Do Classes,
Weight Loss and Detox Exercise Programs,
Birthday Parties and After School Programs

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