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Reading Success Plus

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About Reading Success Plus


My name is Anne Kloth, and my son Lawrence (L.G.) is dyslexic. We knew at a young age that Lawrence was very bright, but we couldn't understand why he struggled so much in school. For over 10 years, we traveled far and wide, until the mystery was solved. At 10 years old, we met Jeffrey Freed, educator, speaker and author of Right Brained Children in a Left Brained World. He insisted we have Lawrence tested for dyslexia, and referred us to the Gifted Development Center in Denver, Colorado who determined that not only was Lawrence dyslexic, he was also impacted by dyscalculia (math). Later, we discovered dysgraphia was the cause of his struggle with writing, and ADD was the cause of everything else! We thought his problems would end with this diagnosis, but little did we know that finding the right kind of tutoring would prove to be almost as big of a challenge as receiving an accurate diagnosis. After using many programs which did not work, including Dore (which didn't “cure” dyslexia, but helped in many other ways), Davis Dyslexia Correction Program, Vision Therapy, Hooked on Phonics and various other reading programs (for which I have apologized to my son repeatedly over the years), we finally learned about the Barton Reading & Spelling System®. We are pleased to report that Lawrence is now a graduate of Hope College, and with the Barton Reading & Spelling System®, we've found our life's calling. We've been there, and tried everything. We know there is hope for people struggling with reading, because these programs work! Research has proven which methods work best to teach struggling readers and dyslexic students to read and spell and we are using these proven methods to help students reach their highest potential.

Location & Directions for Reading Success Plus

2265 Livernois Rd STE. 701, Troy, MI 48083
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Services Reading Success Plus Offers

Reading and Math Tutor

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