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Auburn Periodontics & Implantology

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About Auburn Periodontics & Implantology

Auburn Periodontics & Implantology

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925 E Main St, Auburn, WA 98002
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Periodontal disease is very serious and could cause you to suffer tooth loss if not properly treated by your periodontist. Some people experience bleeding, puffy or painful gums as their primary symptoms. However, some people do not experience symptoms of periodontal disease and they may not even know that they have it.

If you believe you may have symptoms of periodontal disease, we encourage you to make an appointment with Dr. Joseph Haynes as soon
as possible.

What is Gum Disease?

Also referred to as periodontal disease or periodontitis, gum disease is caused by bacteria forming on our teeth. Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. Diseases of the gum are often painless, so without regular dental care, you might not know you have it.

Warning Signs

• Gums that bleed easily

• Red, swollen, tender gums

• Gums that have pulled away from the teeth

• Persistent bad breath or bad taste

• Permanent teeth that are loose or separating

• Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite

• Any change in the fit of partial dentures

It is important to contact Auburn Periodontics & Implantology if you are concerned you have gum disease because the earlier any issues are identified, the sooner Dr. Haynes and you can begin working TOGETHER toward a solution.

The Early Stage of Gum Disease Is Called Gingivitis

If you have gingivitis, your gums may become red, swollen and bleed easily. At this stage, the disease is typically still reversible and is usually
eliminated by professional dental cleanings and daily brushing and flossing.

Advanced Gum Disease Is Called Periodontitis

Chronic periodontitis is severe and progressive if not addressed. It can lead to the loss of tissue and bone that support the teeth and it may become more severe over time. If it does, your teeth will feel loose and start moving around in your mouth. It usually gets worse progressively, but many patients experience periods of rapid progression.

Aggressive periodontitis is a highly destructive form of periodontal disease that occurs in patients who are otherwise healthy. Common features include rapid loss of tissue and bone, and may occur in localized areas or in the entire mouth. Periodontal disease cannot be cured, however, we have measures to help slow or stop the progression.

Despite the dramatic negative health risks that are linked to gum disease, people who have it often go undiagnosed. Current research suggests a link between periodontal disease with premature birth, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. We at Auburn Periodontics and Implantology believe your whole health is important, so it is most definitely a condition we take seriously and treat immediately. Depending on the severity of the disease, there are different types of treatments that Dr. Haynes recommends.

Regular dental care and examinations are very important. The treatment approaches that Dr. Haynes might recommend will depend upon the type of disease and how far the condition has progressed. Your care will always be personalized at Auburn Periodontics and Implantology.