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Affordable Cleaning Service Oklahoma

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About Affordable Cleaning Service Oklahoma

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Location & Directions for Affordable Cleaning Service Oklahoma

3108 Dentwood Ter, Del City, OK 73115
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Services Affordable Cleaning Service Oklahoma Offers

home cleaning service,office cleaning service,commercial cleaning service,residential cleaning service

5.0 Out of 5.0

Reviews For Affordable Cleaning Service Oklahoma

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 82 Reviews

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MARI VERA Monday, July 9th 2018
We congratulate you for the quality of your work and speed, my company in Bronx is impeccable, we recommend Affordable cleaning service Oklahoma.
MARI VERA Monday, July 9th 2018
We congratulate you for the quality of your work and speed, my company in Bronx is impeccable, we recommend Affordable cleaning service Oklahoma.
Mayra Roca
Mayra Roca Saturday, July 7th 2018
The cleaning service is very professional, they fulfilled their task in record time here in Oklahoma City thanks to Affordable Cleaning Service Oklahoma. I recommend them.
Mayra Roca
Mayra Roca Saturday, July 7th 2018
The cleaning service is very professional, they fulfilled their task in record time here in Oklahoma City thanks to Affordable Cleaning Service Oklahoma. I recommend them.
Mery Andrade
Mery Andrade Friday, July 6th 2018
I hired them to wash some carpets, also walls and floors, everything was a good fragrance, I recommend my house in Tulsa was spectacular, thanks Oklahoma Service Affordable.
Mery Andrade
Mery Andrade Friday, July 6th 2018
I hired them to wash some carpets, also walls and floors, everything was a good fragrance, I recommend my house in Tulsa was spectacular, thanks Oklahoma Service Affordable.
Liz Leon
Liz Leon Wednesday, July 4th 2018
Affordable Cleaning Service Oklahoma. These people are extraordinary since they recommended me, now my house in Edmond is kept clean and renovated.
Liz Leon
Liz Leon Wednesday, July 4th 2018
Affordable Cleaning Service Oklahoma. These people are extraordinary since they recommended me, now my house in Edmond is kept clean and renovated.
SARA ROJAS Tuesday, July 3rd 2018
When I needed to clean the house in Edmond I spent hours and hours, it has not been that long since I met, Affordable cleaning services oklahoma. Now my house is always well cleaned and clean I recommend them.
SARA ROJAS Tuesday, July 3rd 2018
When I needed to clean the house in Edmond I spent hours and hours, it has not been that long since I met, Affordable cleaning services oklahoma. Now my house is always well cleaned and clean I recommend them.
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